![]() Whether you are a physician, a scientist, a mother of three, or simply a curious human, I ask that you open your mind and consciousness to the information that you are going to be presented with here. Maybe you know these concepts already, maybe you don't. My intention is that it sparks interest and further exploration into the truth. The idea behind vaccines is actually a valid one. Although many stories originate from ancient Chinese medicine from thousands of years ago, documented accounts of "inoculations" go back to the 1500's involving smallpox. Methods from Asia and India involved scraping the skin of a healthy individual with infected material, or blowing powdered pus into their nose. These methods proved to be very successful. In 1796, a German physician named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann created a medical system based on these methods called homeopathy. Similar to how the Chinese would let the infected material sit for a month to possibly inactivate the disease, Hahnemann created a process that diluted the material so that it only contained the energetic imprint of that material. Let's talk about homeopathy first. Homeopathic remedies are based on two theories 1) Like cures like 2) Law of minimum dose. There are homeopathic remedies to support reducing symptoms like headaches, nausea, menstrual cramps, etc. There are also homeopathic nosodes that contain the energetic imprint of the virus, bacteria, toxin, or disease itself. Just like vaccines, homeopathic nosodes are created with a little bit of the condition it is trying to treat; except, the sample used is so small that it only contains the energetic imprint. How is this possible? By diluting it over and over again. Water holds frequencies and vibration so it's easy to see why this works! Homeopathic products come from plants such as red onion, arnica, poison ivy, belladonna, stinging nettle, minerals, or animals (such as crushed whole bees). Homeopathic nosodes are made from the discharges, or tissues, of infected animals or humans. These include pertussis, diptheria, tetanus, herpes, yellow fever, smallpox, etc. The way homeopathic remedies work is that it introduces the body to the energetic imprint of the disease in such a small dose that the body can recognize it as a foreign intruder, but not be overtaken by it. This gives the immune system a chance to do what it's made to do; recognize a threat and fight it off. By doing this, the immune system becomes stronger and stronger. We are exposed to energetic imprints of diseases every single day. All sorts of "scary" viruses and bacteria are fought off naturally by the immune system with ease. With the start of the pharmaceutical revolution, ancient medical traditions that were used for centuries were all of a sudden discarded by many. The general public became enamored by antibiotics and pills they can easily "pop" with promises of renewed health. There is no doubt antibiotics were a very important discovery, but the thrill of their use has caused a whole new set of issues. The same can be said with opiates. Great discoveries, but with hefty consequences. This brings me back to vaccines. These are no different. Although the idea behind immunizations comes from an effective, natural treatment, the process of producing them creates a quandary and brings up ethical questions. Modern day vaccines are created in several different ways. The manufacturers either weaken the live virus (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, etc.), inactivate the virus (polio, rabies, hepatitis A, etc.), use part of the virus (hepatitis B, shingles, HPV, etc.), use the toxin that is created from the specific bacteria (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus), or genetically modifying your body to a virus (mRNA vaccines for Covid). Manufacturers are also using genetically modified adenoviruses for vaccines as well. These are all medical miracles in and of themselves, but are they safe? If the manufacturers are using the same principles of ancient Chinese methods or homeopathy all should be well, right? Not exactly. Although the ideology of the method is solid, the process is not. Will the foreign DNA have an affect on our bodies? The answer, after decades of research thus far, is not fully known. There has not been any long-term studies conducted, or if there was, they were thrown out. According to Dr. Malone, a well-known vaccine expert in his field, pharmaceutical companies (or the companies they contract) hide data. Vaccine manufacturers add ingredients into the vaccines as preservatives, buffers, and adjuvants. Adjuvants are used to enhance the immune response in the recipient. They also use cell lines from aborted fetuses from the 1970's, and animal DNA. How safe are these? The truth is they don't fully know. There hasn't been any long-term studies conducted. Is it possible for someone not to have any negative health issues from vaccines? In my opinion, and with what I know about frequency, vibration, and the etheric fields, I would say no. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to damage done. The human body is an amazing creation, and we are under attack from all sorts of things that our bodies can recover from. However, there are substantial adverse health reactions and conditions that can be caused by the cell lines and toxic ingredients in vaccines. This is a well-documented fact. Not only through VAERS, but many studies showing neurological conditions caused by aluminum, etc. Not only that, but scientists were originally reluctant to accept and use human cell lines out of concern that they had a cancer agent in them. Did this change? Below is a list of ingredients used in vaccines from VaccineCalculator.com. This is a great resource for anyone looking for more information.
An opinion piece published in a 2016 Journal of Physicians and Surgeons explains the dangers well. More and more physicians are starting to stand up to the "standard of care" that don't seem to be in the best interest of their patients. Let's look at the human body further. What causes illness and disease? The body being in dis-EASE. Disease and illness are symptoms that your body is not in balance. Something isn't working properly. What happens when you subject your human body to toxins, whether physical or mental? The body reacts. It can also react to prevent more damage. How does this work? Think of a circuit board. Certain fuses will "short" in order to prevent further damage to the electrical system. Did you know your body has an electrical grid? Yes! It's an energetic electrical grid. Have you ever put your two pointer fingers close together? You can see an electrical current connecting the two. Stressors, whether environmental or mental, can "short" your electrical grid. In order for your body to preserve itself from further damage, your system will sometimes shut down pathways. These pathways include meridians. Your body is made of moving energy. This energy can become disrupted causing symptoms of illness and disease. A great resource for learning about these meridians and how they pertain to health is through Donna Eden Energy Medicine. When symptoms arise, find the root cause. It's the only way to truly heal. How can we prevent our body's electrical and energetic system to overload? Reduce and eliminate the toxins we put into it. What happens when someone with a peanut or penicillin allergy are exposed to these products? The body reacts. Same is true with vaccines. The body is reacting to the toxic overload. It is no wonder so many children with autism were normally developing before they were given a round of multiple vaccines. I hear this story way too often. How can one help recover from vaccine injuries? Find a specialist. Detox and start the healing process. There are many options out there. Dr. Sheri Tenpenny's clinic, in Middleburg Heights, OH can help you navigate the human body. She also has an online course you can take to learn about specific vaccines. Another great therapy for autism is called, Qigong Sensory Therapy. Authorized therapists teach parents a protocol to treat their child at home. It has taken 29% of children out of autistic range and also works very well for children with severe autism. Many of the children with severe autism ended the studies in the mild range. Are these cures for autism? No. But they can make a dramatic improvement in the symptoms, including awareness and sensory integration. Research. Learn. Share. You will find the answers you seek. For more information on how to reduce the toxic load in your body, contact a local naturopath, functional medicine doctor, or a specialist dealing with holistic health. There are many nutritional IV clinics sprouting up around the U.S. These are fantastic and a great way to learn about nutritional deficiencies. Adults can also use private qigong practice, Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down, to support the body back to health. This method was used in the medicine-less hospital in China. They had over 5000 patients that were only given medical qigong as their treatment with over 95% success rate in decreasing symptoms of disease and illness. Overall, listen to the body. Protect the body. Respect the body. We are only given one. Elaine Gorski
![]() Pertussis is a very contagious respiratory infection caused by a bacterium that causes damage and inflammation to the airways. Many of the cases of pertussis today are caused by the shedding from the vaccine itself. There are 3 stages of pertussis that can last in total up to 12 weeks. Although it’s been called the “100-day cough”, early treatment can make a tremendous difference and even avoid the symptoms altogether. Once infected, the individual is immune between 30 to 70 years. The suggestions below are based on Dr. Suzanne Humphries published article, my own experience with my 3 children that had it at all 3 stages, and further research into the topic. 3 Stages of Pertussis: 1. Stage 1 – Common cold symptoms. Sometimes there are no other symptoms than a cough. This stage lasts about 2 weeks and is the ONLY stage where antibiotics are useful in halting the disease. Colloidal silver is also very helpful in halting the disease at this point. Both kill the bacteria causing the illness. 2. Stage 2 – (The paroxysmal stage) Cough turns into violent coughing spells that make it hard to breathe. The episodes can be terrifying for the individual and their caretaker. The sound that the individual makes trying to catch their breath is the tell tale sound of whooping cough. This stage can last 1 to 10 weeks. High dose Vitamin-C therapy is crucial at this stage and will make a drastic difference in the cough. 3. Stage 3 - The last stage is the repair stage. The coughing spells decrease and the body starts recovering from the illness. This stage can last 2 to 4 weeks. Immediate treatment for this illness is important!! Antibiotic use (azithromycin is the typical prescription) only works within the first stage of the disease (first two weeks). Unfortunately, most pertussis diagnoses don’t occur until the bacteria has taken a good hold of the body, and the “whoop” that occurs is more prevalent. EARLY TREATMENT IS KEY!!! Pertussis is contagious up to 3 weeks after cough starts without treatment. If an antibiotic or colloidal silver is taken, the illness can be contagious from 1 to 5 days, depending how long it takes to kill the bacteria in the body. Children usually do not have other symptoms besides the cough and can attend school without problems after they are no longer contagious. ABSOLUTELY AVOID: • Milk products (milk, cheese, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, etc) • Sugar (including artificial sweeteners) Pertussis care suggestions: Call the doctor to get a prescription if there is a known pertussis outbreak in the area and having any symptoms. Hold on to it and have ready to take if cough progresses. It’s always good to have a plan B. You can try suggestions below first, but keep your doctor in the loop! Antibiotic use has its own set of issues. Use only if needed. Use colloidal silver at very first sign of coughing, or if the individual has been around someone with known pertussis to boost the immune system and prevent illness.
Other helpful remedies include:
Vitamin C dosage: (Information below is from Dr. Suzanne Humphries from the website orthomolecular.org) You can also find this information on Dr. Humphries website at drsuzanne.net. About Vitamin C brands: Use sodium ascorbate NOT Ester-C or calcium ascorbate. For older children and adults Shaklee sustained release Vitamin-C works really well too. Other good brands that Dr. Humphries recommends is Nutribiotic powdered sodium ascorbate, Livon Labs liposomal Vitamin-C (gel form), or Sufficient-C brand powdered ascorbic acid drink mix. The liposomal Vitamin-C is best for breastfed/formula fed babies, and younger children. It is also a good option to use before bed or in the morning. Dosage: Based on Dr. Suzanne Humphries research - 200-375mg per kg in weight divided over 24-hour period. During peak times the body may need even 1000mg per kg per day. 1 kg = 2.2 lbs Examples: A 16 lb baby will need between 1,460mg – 2,737mg of Vitamin-C over a 24 hour period, up to 7,300mg during peak times. The liposomal Vitamin-C is better for breastfed/formula fed babies. Take a finger with some of the gel and swab the inside cheek of the infant. If the baby is still coughing and is constipated you can use the powdered Vitamin-C. Mix a small amount (250mg) into breastmilk or formula. Drip into baby’s mouth with a dropper every 15 minutes. Do not put into baby’s mouth if they are asleep! Directly from Dr. Humphries’s website: “Two to four week infants usually require 1-2 sachets of lipospheric ascorbate per 24 hours. Five to eight week babies usually require 1-3 packs. Treating such very young infants usually requires assistance from a medical practitioner and very close monitoring, often rocking the baby all day and night during the peak days.” Rocking the baby will help the mucus to move up and out of the body, and also comforts them. If a breastfeeding mother is having a hard time keeping up with milk demands she can take fresh garlic. There are compounds in garlic that increase milk production. A 50 lb child will need between 4,540mg – 8,500mg of Vitamin-C over a 24-hour period, up to 22,700mg during peak times. A 110 lb child will need between 10,000mg – 18,750mg of Vitamin-C over a 24-hour period, up to 50,000mg during peak times. Children attending school can have the powdered Vitamin-C in a water bottle that they just sip all day long while away. Parents should also give the school nurse Liposomal Vitamin-C packets (or pill form) to administer to child at lunchtime or every 2 hours (whatever time frame the body is requiring at that time). Unused Vitamin-C by the body will be eliminated through the bowels. A good determination is how the body reacts. If the cough is severe and breathing is labored then increase the frequency, dosage, or both. If the individual starts having diarrhea then reduce Vitamin-C. It means their body does not require as much. This will also give an indication of how far along the individual is on the “100 day cough”. Hopefully, with using the treatments listed that number of days will be less. The sooner the bacteria is killed the less damage to the cilia in the esophagus. This results in a quicker recovery. It is possible, and likely, to stop the progression of the illness altogether if caught soon enough. To learn more about Pertussis treatment options, including how a hospital used homeopathy successfully, take a look at the Handbook of Home Remedies. You can find it in the "Book" section of this website. Elaine Gorski ![]() We’ve received several calls asking us what we think people should do considering the coronavirus situation. Rather than answering these calls one by one, we’re providing this general advice on how to prepare. We’ll use the standard reporter’s format to keep things tight. Prepare your home to be a healthy place in uncertain times. Simple preparations can reduce suffering and prevent disease. This discussion covers general preparations for responding to any viral illness including Coronavirus nCoV-2019. We use the same approach regardless of the cause because our strategy involves strengthening the body rather than fighting the disease. Support your body and it will take care of itself. A. Keep it Simple. Preparation allows for a degree of self-sufficiency. Set yourself up for success by putting a little effort into planning for the unexpected. B. Remain Calm. We’ve seen things like this before, (colds, flu, RSV) and we’ll see them again. Not to mention stress lowers the immune system. C. Optimize your health. The healthier you are the healthier you’ll stay. Here are some general guidelines for maintaining excellent health:
D. Start treating illness at the first sign of trouble. A tickle in the throat, a runny nose – studies show hitting it hard with colloidal silver, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, echinacea, elderberry extract, olive leaf extract, or lemon can be helpful. A combination of essential oils used to fight the Plague was rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, cinnamon and clove essential oils. A popular brand calls it "Thieves". Other good options are Tea Tree oil, oregano oil and peppermint oil. You can use with carrier oils applied to the body, or diffuse them. Connect with an essential oil specialist for more information and directions. Doctors across the world are finding alternative treatments that are helping despite the "standard of care". Unfortunately, these good doctors are targeted and public mention about these treatments result in threats of them getting their license revoked. Political agendas and fear-mongering have taken over the freedom of speech. We have seen the "cancel culture" further the political agenda by ganging-up on good physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers that share the truth. What happened to "first, do no harm"? By now, those that know, know. Follow your instincts. The truth will prevail. Doc Evenhouse Hey doc, what’s the best diet?
Here’s my answer:
If you want to know more about the history of the American (and therefore western) food guidelines, dig into the reporting of Nina Teicholz, Gary Taubes, and an Australian orthopedic surgeon named Dr. Gary Fetke.
Please note: Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as “statins” have had minimal impact on heart attack rates and significantly increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. A review of the scientific literature reveals a stunning truth - there are no studies that provide a conclusive link between cholesterol, saturated fats and heart disease.
Okay doc, you’ve made your points but what should I eat? Eat whatever you want. You’re a grown up. You decide. As for simple suggestions, cut the sugar, cook with butter, eat fatty meats, the occasional wild caught fish, lots of leafy greens and as many peppers, mushrooms and broccoli as you want. As long as your body feels good eating it. For those with food sensitivities and anyone looking to reverse a chronic medical condition, consider going on an elimination diet for a few months. There are several to choose from including juice fasts, vegan diets and my personal favorite – The Carnivore Diet. I’ve tried several of these myself over the years with varying results. My most recent personal experiment includes intermittent fasting and a carnivore diet. So far, I’ve started to heal my gut, drop unwanted fat, grow some lean muscle and improve my overall sense of well-being. For those with type-2 diabetes, I’ve witnessed impressive results from combining intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet. A quick search of the internet will provide an abundance of resources for this approach. There. Those are my two cents. As for questions about our industrial food system, big pharma, and corrupt politicians, I’ll leave them alone for another day. Doc Evenhouse As an occupational therapy assistant I have worked with many children with autism. The latest numbers from a government study suggests that 1 in 45 children, ages 3 through 17, have been diagnosed with autism. These numbers are expected to increase. While finishing up my schooling for occupational therapy I was looking for a way to integrate occupational therapy with my passion for alternative medicine. I came across Qigong Sensory Therapy (QST).
I saw the results from my own personal qigong practice, so I was excited to hear about the studies conducted with children with autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. I called several of the occupational therapists that were already using QST in their practice. Each and every one of them told me that it was the single most used tool in their toolbox, and used it everyday. They explained their experience with what they have seen, and I was hooked. I jumped on the Qigong train, and let me tell you what a ride it’s been! It was a 5 month training program that started in Oregon, then home studies involving a case study. Since learning this technique I can tell you from my own personal experience it has changed families’ lives, forever. There is no other treatment like it in the world. Currently, there are no treatments that work for severe autism, along with mild autism like this one does. The studies concluded that: After five months of treatment:
After two years of treatment:
A study evaluating treatment in older children (aged 6-11) showed similar results. *These results taken from The Qigong Sensory Treatment Institute’s website. There have been children treated with their diagnosis removed. Yes, REMOVED! This treatment technique is so easy, yet so powerful. Qigong Sensory Therapy is an evidence-based medical massage protocol that is based on principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are 12 simple movements that work on acupuncture points and meridian channels on the front and back of the body. These movements normalize the sense of touch, which was found to be unbalanced in 100% of children with autism. Once the sense of touch is normalized the sensory systems can start working together more effectively. I know some children with autism don't seem to show any abnormalities with the sense of touch, but research done with skin biopsies show every child with autism had a loss of C-tactile fibers. See that study HERE. Treatment with QST also detoxes and de-blocks the body and gets the energy moving the way it’s meant to. As a result, the child becomes more tolerant to touch, helping them interact with people and the environment around them, and improving emotional and learning development. I have seen amazing results with children that went through QST. One particular child (almost 3 years of age) came to me with zero eye contact, was non-verbal, not eating, not sleeping well, not walking, and had abnormal bowel movements. After one week of treatment he was eating everything given to him and had normal bowel movements. His sleep improved as well. After one month of treatment he was saying 3 word sentences, walking and started making eye contact. After 3 months of treatment his doctor rescinded his cerebral palsy diagnosis and took autism off the table as well. The boy was saying 5 word sentences, had almost normal eye contact, and learning to run. This boy was lifted from his fog. These are miraculous results. Qigong Sensory Therapy works. Is this a cure for autism? No. There is more than one cause of autism. An authorized QST therapist will be able to help you decide if QST will benefit your child. If you would like more information you may contact us, or find a QST practitioner in your area at www.qsti.org. I feel honored and privileged to have found this effective technique to share with others. Find the book from QSTI HERE to learn the massage protocol at home, or click HERE to find a practitioner near you. Elaine Gorski ![]() For so many the “spiritual path” seems like a good idea. I’m not saying it’s not, but just be ready for your life to change. Whether you’re financially secure, or not, won’t matter. I take that back. For some it WILL matter. You’ll lose everything, along with your sanity. Talking about losing things, let me give you a heads up on other things you’ll lose: Friends, jobs, houses, and maybe even relationships with family members. Sound awful? It is. But now let me give you what you can gain: Friends, jobs, houses, and maybe even relationships with family members. Going down the spiritual path is not for the faint-hearted. It’s actually for those that are outrageously strong and courageous to figure it all out. It’s facing the skeletons in their closet, and the possibilities of losing face with those that once looked up to them. Going through the layers of purging isn’t easy. When ascending, which is ultimately a rise in vibration, things that don’t serve you any longer will fall to the wayside. Behavior that was once a habitual routine on Friday night, will no longer meet your desires. Your friends that you would "get wasted" with may suddenly feel like a burden to be around. Your home, or decorations/colors inside your home, won’t feel good to you any longer. Even foods, particularly processed food, will make you sick. You’ll question your sanity at times, and wonder if you’re making the right decision. It’s a journey. A marathon. There is nothing quick about it. Don’t expect miracles overnight, although they do happen. When manifesting a better job, you might walk into your current job with a pink slip waiting on your desk. Ask and you shall receive they say. So, be careful what you ask for. Attach the phrase, “all in God’s grace, in perfect timing, please and thank you” to your prayers. It makes a difference. God wants to know you trust in him to do what is in your best interest. Your angels want to know that you appreciate their hard work too. The Great Awakening will be more than you bargained for. Clarity is priceless. Is the spiritual path worth it? Yes. You’ll be better for it. Is it easy? Heck no. Can you go back? Nope. It’s been said that ignorance is bliss. I believe this to be true. Once you know the things you’ll learn, it’s impossible to forget. You won’t want to go back. The path is narrow and sometimes lonely, my friends. May you be blessed to find your way. Elaine Gorski ![]() It’s all about balance. That’s why things don’t work sometimes. Diets, exercise, your chili recipe. Balance. You need the yin and the yang. Nature made it this way for a reason. You will drive yourself nuts otherwise, or lead yourself down a very unhealthy path. Be careful not to become obsessed with making things perfect. I did this when I first learned about organic, healthy products. I never wanted my babies to ever bathe in soap containing sulfites, parabens, or artificial colors again. I became a nervous wreck. So guess what? All the craziness that went into making sure my children had the most wholesome food and chemical free products on their skin made me a stressed-out Mom. In the end the kids felt my stress, and therefore were stressed themselves. Let me tell you first hand. IT’S NOT WORTH IT! Do everything in moderation. Start slow. Work your way up. Yes, it’s true organic foods and chemical free products are important. But, if you go all gung-ho on replacing every single product in your home and empty your artificially flavored refrigerator two things will happen; you will drive everyone around you crazy, and you will also become discouraged. Take it from me. You won’t become a pro overnight. Things like this take time. Time to learn, and time to let things process in your brain. The first thing you can do is just adding healthier options to your refrigerator. You can still get the junk, but by adding healthier options you’re getting yourself more familiar with the healthier products out there and which ones you like. You don’t want to go hungry in case you realize you hate tofu and kale. No problem. Try a few more options next grocery visit. Another great way to start is by juicing. Just this simple change can have a dramatic affect on your life. There are plenty of great recipes for juicing. My go-to: 3 sprigs or so of curly parsley and 3 sprigs or so cilantro, a 2 inch chunk of beet, an apple, 1 or 2 celery stalks, 1 inch chunk of fresh ginger, one third of a lime, one big handful of spinach, 3 romaine lettuce leaves, and 3 or 4 big carrots. Heaven. Next thing to do is just start checking the products you currently use. Look to see if they contain sulfites, parabens, and other chemicals that you wouldn’t want on your body. This can be a difficult area of concern. The options are endless, and not all chemical free products are made the same. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars figuring out which products I like, and which ones I don’t. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) is a website that does the work for you concerning what ingredients are in your product, whether you’re talking about makeup, sunscreen, or whatever is in your bathroom drawers. However, they DON’T give you recommendations on which you’ll like. This is where the balance comes in. Forgive yourself for using aluminum-laden anti-perspirant until you find something that works, or your favorite smelling lotion on date night. Life is about living. We all die eventually. No matter how many organic products you have in your refrigerator. Just do your best. Try avoiding that can of soda every other day, or increasing your intake of salads. Slow and steady is best. Elaine Gorski ![]() "If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." -Lao Tzu Are you or someone you know battling depression? It can be heart- wrenching and difficult to say the least. In this article, my wish is to bring hope to a hopeless illness and get those suffering back on their feet. What does it take? Many times it comes down to being in the present and re-training your busy mind to adopt a new way of thinking. This is no small feat! Be forewarned. I’m going to be straightforward with this and no sugarcoating. The only way to cure depression is through hard work; taking the responsibility of health and well-being into your own hands. Depression is very difficult. Why? In a strange way, depression causes physical pain and feels good all at the same time. Dwelling in sadness can be addictive. It triggers the release of some of the same chemicals associated with addictive drugs. Whether we realize it or not, negative emotions and old patterns feel safe. They are familiar. Getting out of depression will take determination and daily work, but not to fret; baby steps. You will need to build new pathways in your mind and stay off the old ones. Eventually the new pathways will be well worn and the old pathways forgotten. The strategies listed, if done daily, can get you on the road to recovery. The more strategies used daily, the quicker you will feel relief. You will notice there are no pharmaceutical drugs involved in the healing of your mind. Pharma drugs block central lines of energy that are necessary to improve your health. Many of the drugs prescribed for depression have side effects that can make you more depressed or even suicidal. Stay away from them as much as possible. If you follow the daily protocol, the hope is that everyday gets easier and easier. Stay out of the negative thinking which is habitual. Re-train your brain. These suggestions also works for grief, and heartbreak. A note about suicidal thoughts: Suicidal thoughts are never normal. Depression can be painful. Seek professional help if suicidal thoughts become part of the situation. Keep in mind that prescription antidepressants can all cause depression to deepen, triggering suicidal thoughts and actions in previously non-suicidal people. Keep careful tabs on any loved ones started on antidepressants. Daily Protocol Suggestions: 1. No alcohol. Zilch. Alcohol is a depressant. You will feel depressed for several days after one glass. It's not worth it. Right now concentrate on getting better. 2. Give yourself a time limit to sulk, if needed, but give it a time frame. The first day you might give yourself the whole weekend. The second day, you might need 24 hours. The third day might be 10 minutes. Try and reduce each pity party, and don't allow yourself a minute later. Get up and get moving after PRE-DETERMINED time is up. 3. Solfeggio frequencies, binaural beats, and/or isochronic tones: Listen daily for a minimum of 20 minutes. Use headphones for binaural beats. Turn it up until you "feel" the vibration in your body. The point of this is to change the frequency the unhealthy body is vibrating at. Did you know the galaxy sings? NASA has discovered the constant symphony of strange and interesting sounds coming from space. Earth itself has a frequency of 528 Hz. You can find all of these on YouTube for certain illnesses. Search for "depression". 4. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "Tapping" - EFT works on acupuncture points on certain meridian channels by reprogramming neurological pathways. By tapping on these acupuncture points negative thoughts and emotions are disrupted so that new, healthy thought patterns can be created. 5. Get away from negative friends. Distance yourself from people that love to talk about problems. Relationship problems? Stay away from people that talk negative about their significant other and complain about their daily life with them. Meet up with people who have healthy, happy relationships and that strive to better their connections. Good friends matter. Laughter is the best medicine! 6. Positive affirmations. Write at least 15 post-it notes of positive affirmations and stick them throughout your home where you would see them constantly. Seeing these positive affirmations increase your vibration and reminds you of your worth. Examples of phrases to use: I am worth it. The best is yet to come. I love my life. I am strong. I am healthy. I am blessed. I can get better. 7. Take a walk. Take a walk outside everyday for 5-20 minutes; baby steps. Fresh air helps de-block the system and removes "ick" from the body. Nature rebalances our system and raises our vibration. 8. Meditate. Meditate for 20 minutes every day. This can be done with the frequencies, tones, or binaural beats. Indian Flute music is great for this. Focus on gratitude to counteract the negative emotions associated with depression. Grace will follow. 9. Eat right. Putting junk into your body during this time will make you feel low and lousy. Eat lots of vegetables and "real food". Reduce/eliminate sugar and processed food. This is a must! 10. Take magnesium. According to studies, taking 248mg of magnesium every day has been shown to make a dramatic difference in depression symptoms. 11. Use essential oils. Diffusing or rubbing in essential oils (diluted) will raise your vibration and smells good too! 12. Vitamin D. Vitamin D is actually several different compounds. Be sure to take a Vitamin D3 supplement, especially during the long dark winters for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Get plenty of healthy sunshine when you can. 13. 5-HTP, L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, and CBD Oil. These supplements help restore balance to the brain's chemistry. 14. Stop yourself from negative thoughts. It's a bad habit. When you find your brain is saying mean things to yourself, make a conscious effort to counteract it with a healthy phrase. Love yourself, and love yourself some more! 15. Find activities that YOU love doing. Take the time to find out whom YOU are and what YOU love to do. Allow yourself time to play. It's all about balance. 16. Trust in God. Throw your hands up and give God the reigns to your life. Know that he has your best interest at heart; always. As your angels to help you too. They are there waiting for you to ask for help. Put them to work. You can, and will, beat depression! Make the decision. You have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. More detailed information is contained in our book, Clinically Balanced Guide to Depression. Find it on our "Books" page! Elaine Gorski ![]() Vertigo: Is it really the crystals? When we are young we played. We flipped our bodies over, did somersaults, went on roller coasters, and got our heads in every imaginable position. As we get older, those activities usually cease to exist. We are caught sitting at our computers with our heads in a stationary position for most of the day. Either our heads are upright working and interacting with our environment, or horizontal while sleeping. We don’t do as many cartwheels in our 50’s, or getting into pretzel-like positions as we used to. This, my friends, is the problem. The body is meant to move. It’s meant to be flexible and stretched. How many of us cannot go on roller coasters anymore, or even swing on a swing because we get dizzy? It’s because we’ve allowed our bodies to become rigid. Our brain cannot decipher those movements anymore because it’s been so long since we’ve done them. This is where benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) comes into play. The brain may need re-calibration. It may not be “crystals” that somehow move around your ear like we’ve been told. If that were the case gymnasts, children, and those that frequent roller coasters at any age would be acquiring this “dizzying” illness on a regular basis. No? Dr. Matthew Evenhouse has helped thousands of patients looking for relief from vertigo symptoms while working in the ER. His experience is telling him there is more to the story. Why is it that many patients find full recovery or at least partial relief from simple maneuvers that put the head in awkward positions? Is it because the canaliths magically moved back to where they should be, or maybe only a few made it? It’s not plausible to say this can be the only cause, especially when some people get better on their own without any treatment. It’s been said that 50 to 70 percent of BPPV cases are idiopathic, meaning the cause is unknown. Could re-calibration of the brain be the missing piece? Empirical evidence is showing we need to get our magnetic brains into all positions more. It may need re-calibration and re-familiarize itself to where the limits are. That’s why the Epley and Semont maneuvers may work. They put the head in tilted positions and roll to every extreme. The “barrel roll” technique has been said to work on 90 percent of patients. Why is it then that patients may need to do the exercises more than once? Well, it may take repetitions for the brain to figure out where the body is “in space”. How to prevent this form of vertigo? Easy. Play. A word of caution, however. Start small. Maybe start by stretching your head and neck into slow, circles; chin to chest then work your way over to the side, then back, then to other side, and back to chin to chest. Or, start swinging on a swing. You don’t have to go very high, just a little bit at first. Work your way up. If we start allowing our bodies to move the way they were meant to, the chances of acquiring BPPV can dramatically decrease. Other causes of vertigo are: viruses and bacteria, medications, Meniere’s disease, muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders, or migraines. See my blog post HERE for more information and treatments for vertigo. If you are over the age of 65 and the BPPV maneuvers do not help, it’s best to check with your doctor. Vertigo in older adults can be a sign of other health issues. Elaine Evenhouse Before rushing to schedule your next mammogram it's important to know about the most recent research. Studies are saying that mammograms may not be the best choice for breast health. The amount of radiation given to the body can actually increase your risk of getting breast cancer, especially if you’re getting a mammogram on the current recommended schedule. Mammograms expose your delicate cells to harmful radiation! I will hear the debate that "background radiation" is worse than mammography. I say, ANY and ALL radiation is harmful to the body. Why add extra radiation that is not in your best interest if there are other options?
We’ve been grilled for years on checking our breasts every month, and getting yearly mammograms. Guess what? It hasn’t increased survival. Do you know what does? Prevention. If you read my posts you know I’m a firm believer in “primum non nocere” or first, do no harm. Mammograms are causing harm to your body that isn’t necessary to reduce breast cancer. Unlike wearing highly profitable “pink” ribbons for a lobbied agenda, I’ve compiled information that has been proven to work and actually does what it intends to do, which is to save lives. Breast Cancer over-diagnosis and over-treatment are the rule. Unnecessary breast cancer treatment occurs at a ratio of 10 to 1 and results in unacceptably high levels of over-diagnosis which leads to millions of unnecessary treatments worldwide. It also leads to tremendous suffering, disability, and expense brought on by the unnecessary surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments. A Cochrane review performed by researchers in Denmark describes the tragedy of over-diagnosis and over-treatment with a simple numerical example. If 2000 asymptomatic women are screened for breast cancer using mammography, 1 of those women will benefit from cancer treatment. This is good. However, 10 other women in that group will undergo unnecessary treatment including mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy based on the limitations of the mammogram. The researchers also noted that 200 women in the screening group will experience a false positive result and endure the emotional strain of additional testing required to disprove the initial error. Altogether, 30% or more will endure some level of unnecessary testing and treatment in order to save 1 woman. Clearly, we need a better way to diagnose malignant breast tumors without harming so many other women. The first thing all women should do if they haven’t yet is get a thermography scan, or even better a NLS bioresonance scan (see HERE). Thermography scans use a digital infrared thermal imaging to detect and record infrared heat from the surface of the body. Abnormal cell clusters that lead to breast cancer have an increased blood supply that elevates the temperature of the skin over that area. A thermography scan can catch breast cancer approximately 8 years before a lump is even present! The NLS (non-linear system analysis) scan detects cell changes at a quantum level. If this sounds too science-fiction for you it's not. We use this technology already in MRI or EEG tests. NLS bioresonance is used without the negative side effects that mammograms or x-ray technology gives. Just like every other disease prevention strategy, diet and lifestyle changes are required. This is imperative for health-maintenance and healing. Decrease or eliminate as many toxins that enter the body. This includes emotional or physical stress. Next, adding the following supplements to your daily intake has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer: Vitamin D3 - Increasing your vitamin D3 daily has been shown to reduce breast cancer by 77% within 4 years. Turmeric – Increasing turmeric into your diet (or through supplements) can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 50%. Flax seeds – 3 Tbs for 3 weeks or more. Decreased the size of breast cancer tumors in every woman tested. Animal-based Omega 3 fats – (example: krill oil) One thing to look into is your iron levels – Too much iron in post-menopausal women can increase risk. If you have breast cancer and post-menopausal, have your Ferritin level checked. We’ve heard it before, but yes, self-checks are important. Check your breasts for any changes. Get to know what they feel like and have awareness for anything new. This list includes:
If you find changes in your breast give your doctor a call. If they agree an area is suspicious they will send you to get an ultrasound. If the ultrasound detects something a biopsy is the next step. A bit about radiation – In Dr. Christine Horner’s book, “Waking the Warrior Goddess” she mentions “a European study published in 2012 found that when those who have the genetic predisposition for breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation) are exposed to any diagnostic radiation before age thirty, their risk of breast cancer increases by 90 percent." The study also found that a history of mammography before age thirty raised the risk by 43 percent. "A newer type of mammogram touted to be much better at detecting breast cancers, called tomosynthesis, takes a 3-D image of the breast. You definitely want to avoid this type of mammogram because it uses three times more radiation than the standard type!" It’s important to stay aware to the health of your breasts. Does deodorant with aluminum cause breast cancer? The truth is that the toxins in anything can cause bodies to react with abnormal cell development. Just like my body reacts to pineapple, yours may not. Nothing is a “cure-all”. Remember that. Every body requires different things. The point is just to be aware of your body and subtle changes that happen when your body is in dis-ease. A plethora of information about cancer is in our new book, the Handbook of Home Remedies: Effective Natural Health Tips for Autism, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Depression, Pain, and More. Find it HERE. Elaine Evenhouse ![]() Fevers are the body's defense weapon. They are not to be feared. Giving a Tylenol to bring down a fever is hurting the body's immune system and can cause damage to the body. First and foremost, LET THE FEVER RUN ITS COURSE. It has a job to do! Bringing down a fever can prolong an illness or infection. I've heart the phrase, "watch the child NOT the temperature." My thought is to watch both. I've had a nephew go to the doctor with a low temperature but acting very ill. By the time he sat on the table for the nurse to check him out his temperature was at 106.7. Yes, that is correct. She thought her thermometer was broken and got another one. You can imagine the urgency to lower his temperature. He was fine, without any known brain damage. So, always watch both; the child and the temperature. I'm not saying to be in fear of rising temps, but to check if you notice a change in the child, or at least once every hour or so. Only interfere with a fever if it's causing changes in mental status, inconsolable distress, or severe malaise. If the child is playing with toys, or watching movies, there is no treatment needed. Let the fever be. However, if the child is miserable, crying, and cannot be calmed down then by all means give them some support. Febrile seizures DO NOT occur because of the high temperature, but from the rapid rise in temperature which comes with certain illnesses. A 103/104 degree temperature is considered normal with certain viruses (Hand-foot-mouth disease, influenza, etc.) Febrile seizures are usually not serious or permanent in children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. Need to bring down a fever? Try any of the following:
When to call the doctor:
**There is no need to disturb a sick child to take them to the doctor unless something is abnormal. Sick children need to rest. Let them sleep in your bed, or couch. Put on their favorite movie, and keep them loved and comfortable. The doctor doesn't need to see them every time they are sick. Elaine Evenhouse ![]() If you have vertigo, or know someone that does, you know how debilitating it can be. Getting through even a few moments is tough, but going through a vertigo spell for months can be something you don't wish on your worst enemy. In this article you'll learn the most common causes of vertigo to date, and treatments that can help you get your life back from this 'dizzying' illness. Also, find a printable version of this information at the end.
It's important to find the root cause of your vertigo to get the best treatment. Your doctor may help you in deciding what is best in your situation. I hope you found this post helpful. If you did, I'd love to hear your story in the comments section below. If you would like a printable copy of vertigo and the treatments mentioned above, click HERE. Shaklee has over 100 scientific papers – published in peer-reviewed scientific journals – that support product safety and efficacy. Not only that, but Shaklee is used by NASA astronauts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ray, Dr. Oz, and a growing number of Olympic athletes! Shaklee's green cleaning line was also featured as one of Oprah's favorite things! When you have a company that has been around for over 57 years, and has the track record it does, you can feel secure in trusting their products.
I’ve used Shaklee my entire life. Now my family is benefitting from them too. It's important to get the nutrients you need, and use chemically free products to live a happier, healthier life. Learn more by clicking HERE or use the box under this post. It will take you to the Clinically Balanced site for Shaklee. There you can see the products, check out our favorites, and place an order. You won’t be sorry you looked. Shaklee products will change your life! Elaine Evenhouse ![]() You’re going about your day, thinking it will continue to go smoothly when BAM! You feel like the grim reaper himself has attacked every limb of your body. You’re sick. We’ve all been there. Your head covered with blankets, the large pile of tissues, and the moan you release every once in awhile to make sure you’re still alive. Whether it’s the flu or just the common cold, getting sick can make even the strongest whimper in agony. Here’s what we do to fight back. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you’re reading this you may have already declared yourself having lost the battle. It’s okay. Keep this information handy for next time. We all know that washing your hands and keeping them away from you’re your face and eyes is the best prevention. Swapping spit with your love-muffin who has a nasty bug probably isn’t the best of ideas, although I know first-hand that can be difficult from doing. So, if you’re feeling brave and decide to go in for the kiss Vitamin-C is your best friend. Keep high quality Vitamin-C in your cabinets at all times. Not only will this give your immune system the boost it needs to protect you against germs, it can help your body fight against an invasion on your system. I like Shaklee’s sustained release Vit-C because it continuously fights on your behalf, or Livon Labs liposomal Vit-C. What do you do if the ick-train hits? Fight back. I usually take 3,000mg of Vit-C three times a day for a few days. You don’t want to stop taking this too early. Your body needs time to fight off these germs, so give your body the nutrients and time it needs. If you start having loose stools you can back off by 2,000 mg until it subsides. The sicker you are the more tolerance you will have before succumbing to bowel dis-ease. It is noted in a 1970 study that patients with influenza tolerated up to 150 grams (150,000mg) of ascorbic acid within a 24-hour period before diarrhea presented itself. So, don’t be afraid to increase your intake of this vitamin. The common cold is said to tolerate 20,000 to 100,000mg orally at its peak within a 24-hour period. I’ll start by taking 3,000mg dose of Vitamin-C in the morning, at lunch, and dinner. If I feel a sore throat starting in addition to the Vit-C I’ll take 1Tbs Braggs apple cider vinegar in some water, and a homeopathic remedy. This treatment usually stops the sore throat, and or cold/flu in its tracks. If the symptoms are worse the next day I increase the Vit-C by another 1,000mg -2,000mg at each dose depending on the severity. I can say I usually win the battle against the ick if I stay faithful to the treatment. So, what about if you’re already deep into the abyss of feeling like death? Same. Vit-C, apple cider vinegar, and homeopathic remedies. A high quality Colloidal silver can be taken like an antibiotic if I feel the cold is turning into an upper respiratory infection. I take the directions on the bottle, which is 1 teaspoon 7 times a day for an acute illness. I also have Oil of Oregano (Oreganol P73), or other Clinically Balanced essential oils on hand for the bottom of my feet or to diffuse, and Vicks vapor rub for chest and feet if there is a cough, or another homeopathic spray for coughs. And for the love of God: STAY HOME!! You do not need to go to your doctor for this. You have a virus. There is nothing your doctor can do, so do yourself a favor and stay in bed. Call your family or friends to bring you a pot of homemade soup. Drink lots of tea with raw honey and fresh lemon. My favorite is Celestial Seasoning’s Sleepytime Tea. Rest. Let your body recover. Go ahead and watch 2 seasons of Lost. It’s okay. Allow yourself time to heal. Eat light. Your body needs to focus on fighting off those killer germs instead of taking the time to digest your grandma’s famous spaghetti casserole. Don’t do it. Broths, fruit, and herbal teas are best. If my stomach is upset I only sip on ginger ale with ice, and herbal tea. I wouldn’t eat anything else until you are no longer nauseous, which I’m sure I won’t have to convince you of. Also try an air detox spray to kill airborne germs to keep your house from smelling like death invaded. Believe me, you’ll be doing others in the house a favor. Elaine’s remedies she uses for her own family. Sometimes only Vitamin C works, other times I add more. Just depends on my intuition and level of care needed. Links available on our "Shop" page! Shaklee Vit-C – sustained release or Livon Labs Lypo-Spheric Vit-C Argentyn 23 or Sovereign Silver colloidal silver (same manufacturer) Vitamin D3 Zinc Oreganol P73 Black elderberry syrup or gummies Dr. Schulze air detox spray Essential oils – see article on essential oils ![]() It’s all about balance. That’s why things don’t work sometimes. Diets, exercise, your chili recipe. Balance. You need the yin and the yang. Nature made it this way for a reason. You will drive yourself nuts otherwise, or lead yourself down a very unhealthy path. Be careful not to become obsessed with making things perfect. I did this when I first learned about organic, healthy products. I never wanted my babies to ever bathe in soap containing sulfites, or artificial colors ever again. I became a nervous wreck. So guess what? All the craziness that went into making sure my children had the most wholesome food and chemical free products on their skin made me a stressed-out Mom. In the end the kids felt my stress, and therefore were stressed themselves. Let me tell you first hand. IT’S NOT WORTH IT! Do everything in moderation. Start slow. Work your way up. Yes, it’s true organic foods and chemical free products are important. But, if you go all gung-ho on replacing every single product in your home and empty your artificially flavored refrigerator two things will happen; you will drive everyone around you nuts, and you will also become discouraged. Take it from me. You won’t become a pro overnight. Things like this take time. Time to learn, and time to let things process in your brain. The first thing you can do is just adding healthier options to your refrigerator. You can still get the junk, but by adding healthier options you’re getting yourself more familiar with the healthier products out there and which ones you like. You don’t want to go hungry in case you realize you hate tofu and kale. No problem. Try a few more options next grocery visit. Another great way to start is by juicing. Just this simple change can have a dramatic affect on your life. There are plenty of great recipes for juicing. My favorite is: small bunch of parsley and cilantro, a thumbnail chunk size of ginger root, couple stalks of celery, 1/3 of a lime, a 2 inch chunk of beet, an apple, one big handful of spinach, 3 romaine lettuce leaves, and 6 carrots. Enough for two people. Heaven. Next thing to do is just start checking the products you currently use. Look to see if they contain artificial colors or preservatives, sulfites, parabens, and other chemicals that you wouldn’t want on your body. This can be a difficult area of concern. The options are endless, and not all chemical free products are made the same. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars figuring out which products I like, and which ones I don’t. The EWG is a website that does the work for you concerning what ingredients are in your product, whether you’re talking about makeup, sunscreen, or whatever is on your bathroom shelves. However, they DON’T give you recommendations on which you’ll like. This is where the balance comes in. Forgive yourself for using your favorite smelling lotion on date night. Life is about living. We all die eventually no matter how many organic products we have on our shelves. Just do your best. Try avoiding that can of soda, or increasing your intake of salads. Slow and steady is best. ![]() Vitamin C If I was on a deserted island and could have only one supplement available to me it would be Vitamin C. Hands down. It’s the power horse of vitamins. In a 2016 study published in The Journal of Oncology it was reported that when the body is under attack from illness or disease the need for Vitamin-C is heightened ten-fold. They determined this by testing animals own healing systems. Most animals are able to synthesize their own Vitamin C when needed. For example, a 70 kg goat will produce Vitamin C at 33 mg day. When that goat is under stress or disease, the goat can produce 190 mg a day of vitamin C. Unfortunately we are not animals and cannot make our own Vitamin C, therefore, we must supplement. When our bodies are under attack it’s imperative we give it the nutrients needed to heal itself. That requires a generous helping of Vitamin C. I take Livon Labs lypo-spheric Vit-C in gel form, or Clinically Balanced Vitamin C powerhouse. There have been many studies proving it’s insane effectiveness including, but not limited to: Cancer, leukemia, shingles, colds and flu, bacterial infections, mononucleosis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, viral pneumonia, viral hepatitis, ankylosing spondylitis, Epstein Barr, and other illnesses. Amazing, right?! You would think the medical community would appreciate its miraculous healing properties, but no. Vitamin-C is a cheap, natural product, which is un-patentable and therefore cannot make big pharmaceutical companies any money. Surprise! The healing properties of this vitamin have been known for many decades, beginning with studies conducted in 1948 by Fred R. Klenner. Others interested in natural healing methods, including Irwin Stone and the crusader Linus Pauling, completed further studies. Thanks to the efforts of these men, and many others, the usefulness of Vit-C in the treatment of disease and illness have been proven many times over. According to their studies, Vit-C is taken till bowel tolerance, a.k.a. diarrhea. If that occurs I know my body doesn’t need any more and I lower my dose by 2,000mg at a time until my stools are back to normal. Thanks to a study published in the journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry in 1981, Vitamin C dosages to bowel tolerance have already been tested. Their study reports on average a normal, well individual should take 4 doses between 4g and 15g of Vitamin C within a 24 hour period. Mild cold symptoms 30,000mg to 60,000mg, severe cold 60,000-100,000mg, flu 100,000 to 150,000mg. Bacterial infections were effective at 30,000 to 200,000mg dosages depending on the bacteria. Cancer at 15,000 to 100,000mg. Viral pneumonia at 150,000-200,000mg+. (All of these dosages are within a 24-hour period). For more information on this study click here. (link to http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/1981/pdf/1981-v10n02-p125.pdf) or use your search engine to find a high dose vitamin therapy provider. It is very important to consult a doctor providing intravenous high-dose Vitamin-C therapy before taking higher doses as kidney toxicity could occur. I personally haven’t needed to go over 15,000mg (15g) of Vit-C to get the effects I’m looking for. I’m usually just stopping a cold or small infection in its tracks. If I ever needed high dose Vit-C therapy, I know the only route would be IV therapy from a practitioner specializing in that field. I’ve read it kills early stages of cancer, and reduces the unwanted side effects from both chemo and radiation. Good to know!! Pass it on! |
AuthorsElaine Gorski is a licensed occupational therapy assistant and certified holistic health coach. Archives
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