The biofeedback device measures the body’s current energetic state and delivers a corrective waveform. When used at least 3 days a week, a dysfunctional system can re-learn it’s balancing frequency and move towards a healthy state. Disease and illness cannot remain in a healthy organ, nor can harmful microorganisms, parasites, and viruses. The programs can even help release the energy of old patterns caused by conditions long since gone. NLS Bioresonance is safe, non-invasive, effective and can be done remotely through a process known as non-local action, a very interesting and convenient function of quantum physics and theory of the unified field. |
"Diana has been working with this original technology for over 15 years and it shows. Her training manuals and videos are easy to follow, and I love that I can contact her directly with my questions. I highly recommend this device to anyone that cares about their health. It's a must have in any home, especially in these days of uncertainty."
Fresh food and herbs: 20-27 Hz Dried food and herbs: 15-22 Hz Processed or canned food: 0 Hz Take a moment to wrap your mind around these figures. Processed food offers zero energetic benefit. If it’s in a box, expect it to do your body harm. Sure, it may keep you alive, but it sure isn’t doing your vibration any favors. The higher the frequency of your food, the lesser your chances of getting sick (or worse… feeding the already-existing conditions). USE ESSENTIAL OILS Some of the most popular oils vibrate at sensationally high levels: |