Use Physics to Alter Chemistry and Improve Biology.
One of the most exciting of all discoveries was Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies or PEMF for short. Used the world over by clinics in Russia, Europe and South America, PEMF is the secret behind the success of many of the world’s leading medical spas and clinics. PEMF strengthens the cells in the body. It promotes both physical and mental recovery and has been used extensively by professional athletes to optimize performance and speed recovery after training. It’s also used extensively in the equestrian community to help injured horses recover quickly. It's been said numerous Kentucky Derby winners are said to use PEMF, with numbers growing after their secret is out!
As seen on the Dr. Oz show!
Introduction to PEMF
The last 70 years has seen a literal explosion of technology operating on the principles of frequency and vibration. Television and radio transmitters, microwave transmitters, microwave ovens, cell phone networks, smartphones and portable electronic devices, along with wireless technology such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have created a virtual electromagnetic smog. We’re constantly immersed in powerful electromagnetic fields which have been clinically proven to alter human physiology and promote the risk of certain cancers and chronic illness. Researchers say it will only get worse with the upcoming transition to 5G.
How can PEMF help me live better?
PEMF devices emit specific frequencies which promote a relaxed state of mind and help the body rapidly achieve a condition of restfulness. The restful state counteracts the stress of the day (chaotic electromagnetic fields and the stressors of life) and promotes relaxation and healthy circulation which enhances the healing ability of the body.
PEMF is clinically proven to improve the circulation of blood to all the tissues of the body, thereby promoting healing and regeneration in all body tissues.
PEMF speeds bone healing. Many government health agencies around the world have approved PEMF for the treatment of complicated non-healing fractures.
PEMF devices reduce inflammation and alter the perception of pain. Many people have been able to reduce or eliminate their use of pain medication after using PEMF.
PEMF devices have been shown to reduce atrial fibrillation, a heart condition caused by abnormal structural and electrical activity in the heart.
Professional athletes use PEMF to more quickly recover from workouts. They also use PEMF to treat training injuries and minimize their time away from their sport.
PEMF has been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis, allowing people to return to activities they enjoy. Many arthritis sufferers report a near total reduction in pain.
PEMF has been shown to improve back pain and help injured workers return to work more quickly and with better results than physical therapy alone.
Several clinics in the U.S. have helped people end their use of opiate pain medication for the treatment of work related injuries by starting them on a daily program of PEMF.
PEMF devices help traditional medical therapies work better. Many people experience improvements in their other medical conditions because PEMF works as a sensitizer and an adjunctive (helpful) method of healing.
PEMF has been shown to offset and help in reversing kidney disease caused by high blood pressure and the medications used to treat high blood pressure.
PEMF improves a person’s sense of well-being, helping them feel energized and better prepared to handle the stresses of the day.
FDA approved for:
In 1979, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for the healing of nonunion fractures.
In 1998, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for urinary incontinence and muscle stimulation.
In 2004, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for cervical fusion patients at high-risk of non-fusion.
In 2006, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of depression and anxiety.
In 2011, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of brain cancer.
On October 13th, 2015, the FDA reclassified PEMF devices from their existing Class 3 category to a Class 2 status, and most PEMF devices that are sold today in the United States are FDA registered as wellness devices.
That sounds too good to be true. How can one thing improve so many different conditions? Most chronic diseases affect the body’s ability to use energy. This disruption in energy metabolism leads to changes in the circulation of blood. Any disruption in blood circulation will significantly impair health. In fact, in the late stages of most chronic diseases circulation is severely impaired.
PEMF works directly on the cells and the capillaries to improve circulation and help the body enter a restorative state. Proper circulation is necessary for healthy cellular functioning and rapid healing from injury. By enhancing healthy circulation, every tissue in the body works better, which is why PEMF has so many beneficial effects.
How does PEMF work? Pulsed electro-magnetic frequency devices transform electrical currents into magnetic fields using specially coiled copper wires (tesla coils). When charged with a pulsed current, these wires produce a pulsed electro-magnetic field. The pulsing magnetic fields create magnetic flux which entrains the body through resonant and non-resonant induction to optimize cellular function and enhance life.
What does that mean in layman’s terms?
The PEMF mat creates a soothing magnetic field that promotes circulation and enhances the healthy functioning of the body.
Now for the Chemistry.
Cellular activity depends on the integrity of the cell wall (the lipid bilayer) and its ability to hold a charge (the membrane potential). This charge which comes from the separation of electrolytes, much like we see in a battery. The cell maintains the membrane potential through the work of cell membrane proteins which consume the energy stored in the molecular bonds of fats, sugars, and protein and oxygen the cell receives from the blood. Any disruption in energy availability, production or transport will result in abnormal cellular energy production and changes in the cell’s electrical membrane potential. Changes in membrane potentials can be measured by comparing the body’s entire electrical status to specific organ electrical activity through tests such as EEG’s, EMG’s, ECG’s and MRI’s.
All these electrical medical tests work based on the intrinsic electrical patterns of the body. Which means the body is highly energetic entity. It also means that these electrical patterns create their own weak magnetic fields, and those magnetic field interact with the external magnetic fields in the environment.
Clinical testing with cell phones bear this out. Subjects were given a cell phone and asked to make several calls while at the same time they were being studied under EEG (electroencephalographs). The researchers recorded significant and persistent changes in brain wave activity, alterations in blood flow, and potentially harmful cellular changes that made them more likely to develop cancer.
The simple truth is that any disruption in the body’s magnetic fields will distort electrical currents and alter blood flow. Altered blood flow will alter cellular activity which will lead to changes in the body, some of which can be harmful. Using PEMF can offset this condition and promote healthy living. That’s the good news. If decreased blood flow is causing physical stress, then improving blood flow will relieve it, and that’s why we recommend daily exposure to low intensity PEMF.
Recharge your body, improve circulation, repair the damage caused by the stress of life, and supercharge your life.
We’re literally swimming in electromagnetic radiation and electro-magnetic fields. Some are natural and quite powerful, (the earth’s magnetic field), while others come from artificial sources and may seem comparatively very weak (cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, powerlines). Regardless of how strong or weak these fields may be, the cumulative effect of the combined fields produce real and significant effects. Research is still ongoing but a quick review of the literature shows an increased risk of depression, cancer, headaches, weakness and a variety of autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue from prolonged exposure to weak but chaotic electro-magnetic fields.
Why are low-intensity PEMF devices recommended instead of the high-intensity mats used in veterinary medicine or the medical spas?
We recommend low intensity mats for home use, as well as with animals. High intensity PEMF deliver an overwhelming amount of energy, so much that the body ignores much of it. High intensity mats do provide benefit and are useful in clinical settings and under the supervision of trained staff. High intensity mats have been proven very helpful in cases of acute injury or when a person will not have access to PEMF once they go home. A high intensity treatment will energize the body and activate the regenerative process but high intensity mats also have a likelihood of overcharging, that is, giving you too much energy which can cause some mild side effects such as tingling in skin, excess stimulation and possible sleep disruption.
There are other PEMF advocates on the internet who promote high intensity mats by claiming low intensity devices are ‘useless’ because you can’t feel it. The argument they make is that for a PEMF field to be useful it must be felt. This is in direct contradiction to the facts.
Most of the disruptive EMF fields that chaos disruption to the body cannot be felt. It is also unnecessary to deliver jolts of energy to the body that trigger nerve impulses or cause muscles to twitch. Muscle twitching and pain are proof that the energies are too high, causing the body to react violently to deal with the insult. People pushing high intensity mats for daily home use are promoting a worldview which holds that ‘more is always better’. Once again, this view ignores an entire body of laboratory and clinical evidence showing low energy fields are effective over the longer term.
Therefore, we have concluded, through an exhaustive evaluation of the available information, that low intensity PEMF can be safely used on a daily basis to counteract the stress of modern life and improve circulation along with many other health benefits.