We have all been to the doctor's office when the doctor spends five minutes with us, and never asks the right questions to get to the root cause. They push the pharmaceutical medications and call it a day.
"If your doctor prescribes you medication without first asking about your diet, your sleep habits, your exercise routine, your water consumption, physical or mental pain, and the stress in your life, you don't have a doctor you have a drug dealer." End this madness with expert guidance from those that understand the body and what true healing means. This guide to health contains hidden truths and ancient wisdom handed down from generation to generation. It draws from a variety of healing traditions and cuts through the marketing hype and hidden corporate agendas with straightforward descriptions and concise instructions. It also contains up-to-date evidence-based strategies for emerging modern challenges such as herpes and autism. It not only gives you strategies to heal your body at home, but it teaches you natural methods that FIRST, DO NO HARM! Start your healing journey today. |
Elaine Evenhouse, COTA/L
Elaine grew up learning about natural medicine at an early age. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a Captain of the local fire department and paramedic. They enjoyed helping others. As Elaine became older and had a family of her own, her own passion for helping others and medicine grew. Elaine started her career as an occupational therapy assistant. She has experience in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, schools, and home health. Her clinical experience exposed her to people living with a wide range of medical conditions and the concepts of contemporary medical care. She quickly found ways to integrate natural healing modalities into her practice to help her patients. Elaine continued her education and research into holistic wellness. She has been formally trained in Reiki, Upledger craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, essential oils, and medical qigong practices. Her passion of energy healing led to becoming an authorized therapist in Qigong Sensory Therapy (QST), an evidence-based protocol from Traditional Chinese Medicine designed to help children with autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. Her experience teaching families about these modalities proved to her that natural healing could integrate directly with conventional medical practice. |
Matthew H. Evenhouse, M.D.
Dr. Evenhouse is a cum laude graduate of MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine. He went on to excel in his residency in emergency medicine at Metro Health/Cleveland Clinic/Case Western Reserve University, serving as Chief Resident. Dr. Evenhouse has a passion for medicine and an insatiable curiosity about the world and how people address their medical needs. Dr. Evenhouse is a board-certified Emergency Physician, private pilot and published author who divides his time between home, the emergency department, a regenerative medicine practice and a broad range of personal interests. Dr. Evenhouse has consulted with governments both at home and abroad in areas related to tactical medicine, emergency medical services and air medical transport. Dr. Evenhouse first encounted Traditional Chinese Medicine as a graduate student helping Ph.D candidates studying in the U.S. translate their doctoral papers into English. That early encounter planted a seed which eventually grew into a desire to study other healing traditions outside of the contemporary western system. Since then, Dr. Evenhouse has traveled to Canada, South America, Central America, Africa and Southeast Asia to share his experience and learn more about the ways people heal themselves. |